Verification in order to see if one or several files exist after a given time and possibility to take action in regards to to the result.

 The script is in PowerShell and is listing files that are aged more than X minutes fro the actual time and is returning the filename and the creation time. In order to make the script run either you copy and paste the content in a PowerShell prompt or you create a .PS1 file and you launch the script like this : 

%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file c:\MyDirectory\MyScript.PS1

  1. The script creates a variable in which we set the result of the command.
  2. The command returns the files in the directory indicated in which the files have a creation time smaller than the actual time less the defined delay.
    • Example : My file has been created at 10:29 and it is 11:00 while I'm checking. So, 11:00 - 00:30 = 10:30 and 10:29 is smaller than 10:30 then my file will be included in the result.
  3. A verification with a simple "If - Else" if you want to perform any action depending the result.
  4. Finally, you get the command result in order to see if it is null or not and the script returns the value if any.


$result = Get-ChildItem c:\myTargetDir | where{$_.CreationTime -le (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-30)} | select Name,CreationTime

if($result -eq $null) 

{ $value = 0}


{$value = 1}

