Always in the childhood here is a light that is inspired of the famous Jenga game.


 Needed materials : 

  • 30 slats of 1,2 * 1,8 * 14cm
  • 2 slats of 1,2 * 1,8 * 11,6cm 
  • 1 base of 14 * 14 * 1,8cm
  • 1 power cord with a switch and a socket
  • 1 bulb
  • Wood glue
  • Varnish

Needed tools : 

  • Jigsaw
  • Sander
  • File
  • Drill with a hole saw of 4cm if diameter and a wood drill bit of 8mm

Steps : 

In order to dbuild that light I started by sanding and varnishing 2 wood slats of 210cm that I cut in 30 pieces of 14cm once the varnish was dried. With the third slat I cut 2 pieces of 11,6cm long that I sanded and varnished. Then I prepared the base the same way by cutting a square of 14*14cm and I drilled at the middle of the base with the hole saw. This hole will be used in order to set the bulb? Finally I sanded and varnished the base. This way all my pieces are finished and I can start the assembly. 

This is pretty simple as we only need to take all those prepared pieces and use the glue. Under the base we glue 2 pieces of 14cm and 2 pieces of 11,6cm. This layer will help to pass the socket, the buld and the cable under the base. On one of the 4 pieces we drill a hole with the 8mm bit. This hole will help to pass the power cable. Then we glue the 28 last pieces of 14cm like we can see on the pictures. 

After a night of drying I used a file on the corners just to soften them and I varnished on the outside of the light. 

Finally it is just a matter of passing the cable and to plug in to the socket and to put the bulb in it.